women is like...T_T

Friday, January 29, 2010

sometime i just cant understand why women is so complicated. sometime they say they want this and that, and sometime they hate that this and that..so annoyin u know..fuck them!! but we man cant live without women, we need them..so, just bear with it...so annoying (again).. i have a friend here, lets call her "Cat"..ehemm,,for ur info, she wear scarf(tudung), so obviously she didnt want people to see her hair rght??but this women here, is so mix up with this tutup-menutup thing..the situation is, she like to have a treatment from a new saloon under her house(she live in a shophouse)..the one who use to provide the treatment service is some chinese guy name steve, i think..so, to make tht hair treatment, it is a must to open up ur scarf right??? and obviously, this Cat here wear tudung so tht she can protect herself from the sin of exposing her hair.but when this situation take place, i was like "what the fuck" again n again..n i was really pissed n annoyed..huh, lebih bek xyah pkai tdung klu mcm tu..stupid little girl..didnt know what is rght n wrong..haha..go the hell!!!hahahaaha