Buenos nochas..como estas?? haha..hola! i just come out with something today. ak terpikir, ak ni budak IB, so ap yg membezakan ak dgn pelajar bisnes lain? we al learn management of coz, finance, account..so, what is the specialty of being an international business student? after thnking for a while, i tell my self.."hey, why dont i learn foreign languange? i know malay, english, a little bit japanese, so why dun i add up some more? it will look good in my resume". dun u thnk so? jom la ramai2 kita tmbh kan bahasa kita.ak da start dgn bahasa sepanyol.korg bila lg?? haha..
ok, lupekan hal tu.ak bru pas tgk iron man2 ari ni. wow, cita tu sgt impressive ok. wlupun ak tgk sorg, tp ak still terhibur. tu da kira outstanding la tu..haha..korg2, nnt kt pi tgk cerita En. robin hood yer..haha..ok, la ak da xtau mau kata ap. so, adios amigos!!
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